by editor | Oct 29, 2015 | Uncategorized
Laptops and Tablets and Smart Phones, OH MY! Caught up in today’s constant information stream and social networking via mobile device usage, where we are constantly looking down at our handheld screens… a new sign of aging is emerging. It’s called...
by editor | Oct 20, 2015 | Uncategorized
Thank you all for attending our Open House Gala! We hope you had a ‘ROARING’ great time! AND NOW….the lucky winning numbers of our charity raffle to support The Samaritan Inn. ******drumroll please****** COOLSCULPTING one area/cycle: 589834 589041...
by editor | Oct 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
As gravity, facial volume loss and aging take their toll, most of us have the same goal: A more defined and sharper jawline. Until Recently, the only option to eliminate the dreaded “Double Chin” was to undergo surgery (complete with anesthesia and all...